Anxiety Therapy

Anxiety and fear are normal emotions that developed in humans to help determine when danger or threat is near. However, when the perception of danger or threat becomes distorted or overactive, it can feel out of control. It can get to the point where one feels consistently and repeatedly overcome by fear and worry.

Anxiety can interfere with happiness, peace and stability. Many who experience this intense worry find it disabling and profoundly disruptive to every day life. Anxiety typically stems from irrational or distorted thoughts or situational stressors that lead to anxious feelings and physiological symptoms.

If you’re suffering from any of the following symptoms, please know that you can get relief:

  • Persistent, excessive worry about real life issues, even when there is no definitive reason for concern.
  • Unwanted, obsessive and intrusive thoughts or images. These obsessions may be associated with repetition of ritualistic behaviors and routines as a way to ease the anxiety.
  • Panic attacks that can seem out-of-the-blue and preoccupation with the fear of a recurring attack.
  • Extreme fear of being scrutinized and judged by others in everyday social or performance situations.

In therapy, you can learn the skills to help you regain control and manage persistent worry. Therapy helps people develop an understanding of their anxiety, learn about the mind/body connection, manage and challenge anxious thoughts, learn relaxation techniques and face their triggers.

In therapy, you will develop a plan that helps you conquer your anxiety, regain your focus, and take control of your life.

I hope I can be helpful to you. Contact me today to learn more! Please call me at 202-430-6361 or email me to schedule a free phone consultation.