Group Therapy

Joining a therapy group may sound intimidating at first, but group therapy provides benefits that individual therapy may not. Groups can act as a support network and a sounding board. Other members of the group often help you come up with specific ideas for improving a difficult situation or life challenge, and hold you accountable along the way.

Regularly talking and listening to others also helps you put your own problems in perspective. Many people experience mental health difficulties, but few speak openly about them. You may feel like you are the only one struggling — but you’re not. It can be a relief to hear others discuss what they’re going through, and realize you’re not alone.

Diversity is another important benefit of group therapy. People have different personalities and backgrounds, and they look at situations in different ways. By seeing how other people tackle problems and make positive changes, you can discover a whole range of strategies for facing your own concerns.

Positive features of group therapy can include:

Groups provide support. Hearing from others with similar issues helps you see that you’re not alone in having challenges. The acceptance of other group members can be powerful and healing.

Groups provide a sounding board. Hearing from other people about how you come across can be very powerful and you can get a wide range of perspectives that can help you deal with your problems.

Groups can be empowering. People can often push themselves harder when they see what others can do and when others believe in them. Group members gain a sense of belonging from group therapy, which is both comforting and motivating.

Groups promote social skills. Groups not only help to ease that sense of isolation, but also give the opportunity to practice re-engaging with people. By participating in a group, you see that you can get along with others.

Groups teach you about yourself. Group therapy is a great way to get to see yourself through other people’s eyes and rid yourself of distorted notions of self. Group therapy can help uncover the blind spots that may be blocking your ability to overcome your issues.

I hope I can be helpful to you. Contact me today to learn more! Please call me at 202-430-6361 or email me to schedule a free phone consultation.