LGBTQ couples

Every relationship faces challenges from time to time, and same-sex couples certainly are no exception. Even the most prepared, in-love married couples experience a variety of complications and problems over the course of the relationship. LGBTQ couples who face relationship stress, inside or outside of marriage, can benefit from couples counseling as a way to either restore the relationship or to help it transition into its next natural phase.

Although the world around us continues to evolve into a more accepting place, many LGBTQ couples have a hard time finding a safe environment where they can discuss their relationship problems. I am happy to provide the safe space that same-sex couples may have trouble finding elsewhere.

LGBTQ couples experience the same kind of day-to-day issues and common relational challenges as gender traditional heterosexual couples. Yet, the social context in which they live differs greatly, largely due to the influences of the dominant heteronormative culture. There is no unique therapy for LGBTQ couples. However, the importance of taking into consideration developmental and socio-cultural variables cannot be underestimated.

LGBTQ couples can experience stress caused by bias, homophobia, heterosexism, lack of relationship role models, family tension, and societal pressures. Many same-sex pairs experience extreme stress if every day supports are lacking in their lives—for example, familial, legal, religious, economic, and social support.
Working together, I can help you and your partner resolve problems and guide you in creating the relationship you want, based on your needs rather than on the norms or expectations of others.

I specialize in helping couples:

  • Negotiate roles/responsibilities
  • Deepen connection
  • Improve communication
  • Increase sexual intimacy
  • Explore commitment
  • Build social support

I work with LGBTQ couples in monogamous and open relationships, and with a wide range of sexual practices. Clients have told me that they appreciate my warm, non-judgmental, and collaborative approach to couples therapy.

I hope I can be helpful to you. Contact me today to learn more! Please call me at 202-430-6361 or email me to schedule a free phone consultation.